Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Top Web Development Blogs For Beginners

Trying your hand at a little Web development work? The task probably seems pretty daunting, as experienced developers are typically entrenched in a sea of scripting languages that make the layperson wrinkle their eyebrows in 
utter confusion. But hey, anyone can do it if they set their mind to it-and if you set your mind to learning one language at a time, its more than do-able for the average tech enthusiast who has an ample amount of fortitude.

Fortunately, the same technology that has made Web development such an essential part of the world today has also made it possible for skilled web development company to share their tactics with the world at large through blogs. And there are plenty of developers who have chosen to share their hacks and tricks for the benefit of newbie 
developers. Weve rounded up 25 of the most useful resources for beginning developers which include tricks, step-by-step instructions and a plethora of other essential information. Most of these blogs talk in easy-to-understand language, so even if youre not up to par with developer lingo and youre trying to figure out how to 
code a specific project, you can probably follow along.

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Top Websites on Web Design and Development

One of the shortcoming to the web is that everything is provisional. Technology is moving at lightning speed and if you want to design a new website or have someone design one for you, it's partially to be the best. There are so many good websites out there. You need to have a site that is outstanding and be able to make a statement with your design without "screaming" at your target audience as some sites do. You need to be able to provide a unique and different experience for your target audience otherwise you might lose your target audience.

If you're a web developer or designer, you'll want to follow these 5 top websites so you can connect with a likeminded community, get inspired and re-conceptualize the value of your brand and business.

Web Design and Development News has curated stories for designers ranging from personal anecdotes to informative "how-to" type articles. Some of the articles are highly technical in nature but are still web-friendly with relevant content.

Read More @ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dorit-sasson/5-top-websites-on-web-des_b_8481976.html?ir=India&adsSiteOverride=in